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A Quick Guide To Annual Reviews

Writer's picture: The Adventure ServiceThe Adventure Service

Updated: Nov 13, 2024

two people are chopping wood on top of a chopping block kneeling down. They are in the woods and there is text overlaying them that says "a quick guide to annual review"

Ensuring that we're doing all we can to support the Adventurers to achieve their potential is of the upmost importance to us. We work hard each and every day to help the Adventurers move towards the targets that have been set for them (find out more about our progressive targets here), all whilst having an adventure, in the great outdoors.

However, to make sure that these targets are aligned with what Parent/Carers want, as well as what the Adventurer wants, each year we invite Parent/Carers into an annual review.

This review helps us set personal and progressive targets for Adventurers, update support plans, and discuss areas like home life, college, and other services. This means that we can work collaboratory with you, to help reinforce any goals or skills you're working on.

It's also your opportunity as a parent/carer to express any concerns. As well as anything that you feel has been really benefiting the Adventurer and you feel we should do more of.

Before the Review

When it's approaching a month or two prior to the review, the Team Leader or Manager for that centre will reach out (either via email or phone) to book in the review.

During this contact you will be offered a couple of dates that we have available. We tend to find this works best on a day that the Adventurer already attends.

We will also offer you the option of doing the review in person, at the centre that your Adventurer attends or via video call. If you select the video call option, a link will be sent a day or two before the meeting is due.

Most of our reviews take place at 15:00 or 15:15, this is so it runs in time with our day service hours, as usually whoever is running your review will be out in the day service running a session.

It also allows for the Adventurer to join the meeting, if they wish, as they should be returning back from their day's adventure then, too.

On some occasions we do offer different timings but that can be discussed with the person running the review.

The majority of reviews are conducted by the Team Leaders at each centre, however, they are sometimes done by the Manager or another senior member of staff.

What will be ensured though, is that it is someone who knows the Adventurer, on a personal basis, and has worked with that Adventurer recently on sessions.

What You'll Need To Do

After we have confirmed a date with you, we will send out an email, confirming the date, time and location of your review. Attached to this email there will be 3 links for you to follow.

These links are to:

  • A contact information form – so we can ensure all the details we have for you are correct and up to date

  • A parent/carer feedback form – This is where you can tell us about what you like about The Adventure Service and what we could do to improve

  • Adventurer Feedback – For the Adventurer to fill out and tell us what they like/don't like about the service

We ask that the forms are completed a week or so before the meeting, so the person running the review can look over it, before the meeting.

On The Day

On the day of the review, we will find a quiet and private space for yourself and the Adventurer to sit and chat.

We will have a chat about how the Adventurer is doing, what the feedback has been from the staff team about the Adventurer, who work most frequently with them and what they enjoy about working with the Adventurer.

We will then look over the current support plan, looking at any changes that need to be made, or information that needs adding/removing.

This information will be written down on our review notebook online so we can look back over it when updating the printed version of the support plan, that the Instructors review each morning.

It is up to the Parent/Carer when and if, the Adventurer joins the review – some like them to be in for the full meeting, others, just parts. Yet, some find that the Adventurer doesn’t like being in the meeting at all (being the adventurous type, sitting still doesn't always suit the Adventurers!). It is entirely up to you as to how the review will run, in regards to the attendance of the Adventurer.

There is also time in this meeting to discuss anything else that you feel relevant, whether that is about home life, the service in general or what you're trying to work on at home. Whatever you feel would be useful for us to know or you what you wish to share. We will do our best to accommodate and support in any capacity we can.

End Of The Review

Once the review is complete, the member of staff running the review will update the Adventurer's support plan, usually within a week of the meeting.

This will then be emailed over to the Parent/Carer so that they can have a look over and ensure that they agree, and if necessary let us know if we have missed anything out, or added something incorrectly. The email that is sent will have the support plan document attached, however it will be password protected.

Due to GDPR guidelines, the password will be sent via text to the main contact number we have for you, unless stated otherwise in the review.

If you would like a paper copy of the support plan, let us know and we can send it home with you or the Adventurer once it is complete. If we've given it to the Adventurer, we will inform you on the day, so you know to check their bag...

Then, we will be in touch in roughly 11 months’ time to do it all over again!

If any changes happen or you have new information about the Adventurer, that you wish to add to their support plan before or after the review, do not hesitate to contact us and we will ensure that the information is added.

So that's it. All you need to know about what to expect when you're invited in for the annual review.

If you have any further questions about reviews, the great outdoors or the service in general, feel free to give us a call (01623 232 102) or drop us a line at and we'll get back to you.

(we're also super knowledge about loads of other things too - dogs, cats, plants, planes, trains, automobiles, the weather - so if you just want ask us some random questions or feel like chatting, you can email or phone us too).

Ready to become an Adventurer?

We’re passionate about empowering the Adventurers to reach their full potential through exciting, supportive outdoor experiences.

If you or someone you know is looking for a new adventure, we’d love to hear from you.

Simply fill out our referral form and one our friendly team will be hand to help.

See You Out There!

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