As Christmas is fast approaching, our Adventurers at The Adventure Service have been getting stuck in to some Christmas crafts! If you would like to make your own reindeer just like Alex's below, then carry reading!

You will need:
Wood for the reindeer's body (We used pine, but you could use anything!)
Twigs for legs, neck and antlers
Work gloves
Secateurs to trim down the legs

Saw some of the wood to make a body for your reindeer.
Drill four holes in the bottom of the body, for the legs.
Using the twigs you picked for legs and your secateurs, trim all the twigs to make them the same length.
Then put your legs in the holes.
Saw some more of your wood to make a head.
Drill a hole in the body and at the bottom of the head for the neck.
Then drill a hole (or two, depending on if you have single twig antlers or two separate antlers) at the top of the head.
Fix in the antlers to the head and the entire thing together!