As you have probably heard, The Adventure Service has been working quite a bit with Mansfield 103.2. We’ve recently took part in Barghy’s Business Belters as well as becoming sponsors of their Wednesday night show, Who’s Taking Care of Business. We were also invited to record the show. If you haven’t heard Helen, Terry and Lauren on the show you can listen by clicking the link below.
Our newest venture with the local radio station was taking part in a promotion called 20 Days of August. This is where we booked a dedicated day of advertising to promote any aspect of our business and as part of our day, we got to give away a price in the drive-time competition.
The prize we were giving away was The Adventure Service Survival Kit. The kit contained…
· Camouflaged tarpaulin
· Fire steel
· Woodland mallet
· Camo paint
· Six tent pegs
· Six pieces of string
· The Adventure Service t-shirt
The winner of the competition was Rob Taylor from Church Warsop.

He came along to The Adventure Service with Paul Chadbourne from Mansfield 103.2 to meet with Lauren and be awarded with his prize.
Keep your eyes and ears pealed, hopefully we’ll be working with Mansfield 103.2 again soon.